Humanity at its Peak

Nandini Shah
4 min readApr 7, 2020

In times like this we realize the value of humanity. The value of humanity goes beyond donations, petitions and doctors. Humanity is about respecting one another, treating each other like equals, and what better way to equate us than a pandemic. I come from a Hindu background where I’m taught that “Namaste” isn’t just something you say at the end of hot yoga or soul cycle; it is something that equates us. It means that the light within me salutes the light within you. It means that you and I are equal, and I recognize that. That is what this is all about.

“Namaste isn’t just something you say at the end of hot yoga or soul cycle; it is something that equates us.

As a group, we are starting to realize which companies actually care for their workers and which hide behind the façade of health benefits. We realize that it isn’t the CEOs or the makeup moguls that make this world what it is. We realize that it isn’t about waiting for the next birthday or year to make changes. We realize that no nuclear weapon, no amount of money, and no amount of fame saves you from your health. We realize that actually it’s about those who stock the shelves, those who clean the hospitals and streets, those who make deliveries, those who teach our children, all of those indivdiuals who take care of us in every sense so that we can go out there and “achieve our dreams.” They are the ones that matter.

The country that believed that health could be purchased is the number one country in selling dreams and encountering COVID. The country who gave us Amazon and Google are now facing their most deleterious fate. It’s not natural selection that’s working against their people, it’s the idea that healthcare is a privilege. It’s the idea that “you and I are separate entities.”

Selfishness is propelling natural selection.

There are countries that are recovering. These countries are going out of their way to sing songs from their balconies, they are buying groceries for their neighbours, they are holding special hours for at-risk customers, they are providing pizzas to healthcare workers, they are working around the clock to cheer on healthcare workers, they are excusing payments, they are giving a free roof, they are staying home because that know that it takes just one to kill. They are recognizing that this isn’t about class, caste, creed, or money, they recognize that this is about all of us. They are recognizing that the light you hold is the same light that I hold, that if you flicker within, so do I. They are recognizing that equality and equity are not the same. They understand this is the time where we stop, and recognize who we are, we are humans and we had begun acting like Neanderthals.

Together, we shine brighter. Divided, we all flicker.

We are humans and it is time to show humanity. It is time to understand that we are all in this together, this isn’t about a country or politics, this is about our basic human need. Without our health, without our neighbour’s health, without our nation’s health, and without the health of every single individual on this planet, there would be no us. There would be no country to run, no economy to recover, no politics to debate. It took one to start this and it’ll take all of us to end this. We have to protect the light within every one of us to call ourselves human.

I think we have reached a point as a society, as people, where we are starting to realize that the monetary value of money will never replace the value of human efforts. Despite governments and companies having the resources and finances to help people, it is really up to the people to help themselves and their neighbours. It’s as if money is just a piece of paper. It’s as if we are all part of a collective group. It’s as if immunity can only be built with humanity.

“Be a citizen of the world”

I urge you to truly appreciate, respect and celebrate the light within you and those that are around you. Stay home and do your part. This isn’t about the donations and the petitions. This is about the power that every human has. This is about protecting our light. Let the light within you fuel you to protect the light within others. May the light within me shine as bright as the light within you. May humans finally become humane.




Nandini Shah

Hey there, my name is Nandini Shah. Welcome to my page! Here I share my ideas, thoughts, and observations on the world, as I see it!